report on the public meeting at Hook

Developers Promises vs Reality

Due to heavy demand, VOW held another Public Meeting on 28th March in Hook to raise awareness and provide a focal point for the rejection of the proposed warehouse distribution hub at Lodge Farm. 

The meeting was well-attended, with approximately 120 highly concerned citizens attending. VOW’s Sally Bonneywell and Ian Anstey vividly presented the threat to the quality of life in NE Hampshire should the monstrous proposal to concrete over 80 acres of Lodge Farm be approved. The fact that this is such a hugely important local issue was recognised by the attendance of many local politicians.

There was a great deal of concern about the developer’s declared traffic generation figure of over 12,000 vehicle movements during 7am to 7pm, every day of the year.  And many more at night.  Most of those movements will be HGVs.  People in the audience who had some professional experience of HGV operations pointed out that this volume of traffic would mean a continuous flow of heavy vehicles on Hart’s network of local roads as their drivers seek routes around M3 and A-road congestion.  It was also pointed out that the area was already under siege from other, similar but much smaller, developments locally.

One highly informed resident who worked for a distribution company that builds warehouses such as those planned and who also lives in Hook, spoke from the floor saying: 

“I know what happens - they (the developers) say they will maintain the drainage systems, the landscaping, all the things that are needed to gain planning permission, but when it’s built, that all goes out the window. The drains and ditches are used as rubbish tips, the noise levels, pollution and traffic will be horrendous. If this gets permission, I’m moving!”

VOW emphasised the need to stop the forthcoming Outline Planning Application by rejecting it resoundingly at an early stage for fear it will gain its own momentum through the planning process.  Once approved, even if in limited form, it will be just the beginning – see `Banbury, the warehouse town’ as a real live example of how it won’t just be these 5 warehouses, but many, many more. 

Hart must reject the application – but unless we get expert advice, it will be approved. Our defence needs highly specialised expensive help and advice from legal and planning experts. 

We need your donations NOW.  If we don’t have the funds to support your objections, it will go ahead and when it does, it will be too late to stop it. 

Please Donate to our fighting fund

Bank Transfer details

Villages Oppose Warehouses CIC - Business Account

Sort Code: 30-99-50 Account no: 67046160

Or send a cheque made out to the above and sent it to:

C/O David Harrington (Secretary, VOW)

12 Derbyfields, North Warnborough, Hook, RG29 1HH



Life will never be the same again if these are built!